Kanak New Traders Pvt. Ltd.


  • Founded Date January 1, 1900
  • Sectors Manufacturing , Soft Furnishing
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 336
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Company Description

Kanak New Traders is a trade division of Kedia Organisation. Kedia organization came into operation in 1909 A.D. It switches on with new concept and creating new opportunities for Nepalese business world since its inception. Since last hundred years, it has played vital role to put Nepal in global trade & business map. Within investment diversification, the group is focused within 10 different sectors. The major sectors of investment spotted in Manufacturing industry, Agro Industries, Cement, Dairy & Food processing, Fabrication, Home supplies, iron & steel, Refinery, Textile & Soft Furnishing, Banking finance & Investment, Foreign brand representation and also in organization doing business Ethical Business standard and corporate social responsibility. Here in Nepal 1988, first ever Carpet manufacturing started buy KEDIA. It operates with Korean technology for both the company Yeti Fabric P.Ltd and Yeti polychem P.Ltd then fiber carpet produce by Yeti Fabric whereas PVC formatted carpet manufacture by Yeti polychem P.Ltd it caters from high end to low end consumers. Again steel furnishing conducts by KEDIA. In 1992 company gear up with Korean Powder Coating technology for steel furnishing a non-rust able furnishing starts furnishing starts by the group. Today Nepal needs to generate more revenue and employment. Kedia is keen to invest on such areas where Nepal can comes up-with self-sustainability.

The group generates wide range of employment, till date it provides at least three thousand six hundred citizens direct employment. Within Kedia human recourses network one thousand involved as administrative members and two thousands five hundred skilled & semi-skilled members associated with us.

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